Building the AI Commons

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Internet Commons Forum 2024

IGF 2024 Day 0 Event #72: Building the AI Commons

Agenda and Speakers:

Opening remarks and moderation:

Luca Belli, Professor and Director, Center for Technology and Society at FGV, Academia, Brazil
Anriette Esterhuysen, Director of Policy and Strategy at APC, Civil society, South Africa

Keynote: How to frame the AI Commons?

Renata Avila, CEO, Open Knowledge Foundation, civil society Guatemala

First Segment: AI Governance and AI Commons

Syed Iftikhar, Digital Research Director, Digital Cooperation Organization, intergovernmental organization, Saudi Arabia
Amreen Taneja, DPG Standards Lead, Digital Public Goods Alliance, UNICEF government, India
Bianca Kremer, Board Member, Researcher and Visiting Professor, CTS-FGV Law, academia Brazil

Break for feedback + Q&A (15 minutes)

Second segment: Is it possible to build the AI Commons?

Alek Tarkowski, Director of Strategy, Open Future, civil society, Poland
Gurumurthy Kasinathan, Director IT for Change, civil society, India

Open debate guided by the following structured questions (30 minutes):

  • In what ways can the concept of the commons help address biases and inequities in AI systems, and what practical measures can be taken to implement these solutions?
  • What are the regulatory and governance implications of community-based governance in the AI Commons, and how feasible is it to implement such vision in practice?
  • Is it possible – if so how – to leverage the AI Commons to accelerate progress towards achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and what are the practical steps needed to make this a reality?
  • What interests and actors have interests opposed to the success of an AI commons and what strategic elements are needed to take cope with such diverging interests and actors?

Final remarks and takeaways

Anriette Esterhuysen, Director of Policy and Strategy at APC, Civil society, South Africa

Luca Belli, Professor and Director, Center for Technology and Society at FGV, Academia, Brazil

Onsite Moderator: Luca Belli, Professor and Director, Center for Technology and Society at FGV Law Schol, Rio de Janeiro, Academia, Brazil

Online Moderator: Anriette Esterhuysen, Director of Policy and Strategy, APC, Civil society, South Africa

Rapporteur: Alek Tarkowski, Director of Strategy, Open Future, Civil society Poland

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